Saturday, April 28, 2007

"PARTY PILLS" - again

A report in the Herald once again highlights the dangers of the so called "party pills"

The report states that an "18-year-old girl took benzyl-piperazine, or BZP, at a London nightclub last May. Shortly after swallowing five tablets, she collapsed and suffered a seizure lasting 10 minutes."....

..."She was one of seven patients admitted to the same emergency department with similar symptoms that night."

BZP (piperazine) is a veterinary de-worming medication with a chemical structure similar to amphetamine and will cause hyperstimulation, anxiety, agitation, confusion, dilated pupils and a rapid heart rate.

Sellers of the drug claim 20 million pills have been consumed in New Zealand with no deaths or significant harm. However a study in New Zealand found at least 80 people have been treated in emergency departments for symptoms similar to those caused by amphetamines including nausea, vomiting, rapid heartbeat anxiety and agitation.

In 15 cases, the drug takers suffered seizures after eight hours and three patients had repeated seizures which doctors said were life threatening.

Misdiagnosis or complacency by medical staff may occur because urine-testing kits designed to detect recreational drugs might miss piperazine.

Britain's medicines regulator, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, has made its unlicensed sale illegal.

There are a few of issues here:-

  • the people selling these drugs are NOT doing it for your wellbeing. They are doing it to make money!

  • these drugs have NOT been subjected to the same rigorous process that medicinal drugs are. Would you take medication from your doctor that had not been tested thoroughly?

  • What effect are they having on your ability to make rational decisions and drive a car while under the influence; and on your brain in the long term?

  • 'Party pills' is such an innocuous name for such a dangerous drug! - just as is 'herbal highs' and other soft names for mind altering substances.

The choice is yours, but why should I pay for your care once you become a victim of this culture - just as I don't want to pay for ilnessess caused by alcohol, smoking, obesity and physical inactivity.


Anonymous said...

Of course sellers of party pills are doing it for the money, just as are the peddlers of harder drugs. With P, heroin, opiates etc they have what is in effect an involuntary customer for life!

As an ex-salesman I can appreciate the desirability of hooking my customers into being reliant on my product for their lifetimes, however short that may be.

Hence I for one, am in favour of the death penalty for convicted hard drug dealers.

Anonymous said...

As an ex-salesman I can appreciate the desirability of hooking my customers into being reliant on my product for their lifetimes, however short that may be.

I hope that is not a salesman/dealer

Anonymous said...

Yeah right