Thursday, August 09, 2007


This Scum are the 'adults' who tortured Nia Glassie. They are Michael Pearson and Michael Curtis (top); William Curtis and Oriwa Kemp (bottom). I have published their pictures for all the world to see their faces and to know them for what they are.

Further allegations have been published including the step-grandfather, William Curtis, throttleing the poor child with a towel around her neck until she turned purple and then, on releasing her, kicking her because she was crying. She was also swung by a leg and flung against the clothes line by the group.

This is in addition to hanging her from the clothes line and swinging her around until she flew off, putting her on the roof of the house and laughing at her fear as she ran around it crying and, most sadistic of all, placing her in a tumble drier and spining her around.

This poor 3 year old child, who never experienced the love of a family, died last week.

As for this dispicable crowd of alcoholics, drug addicts and bludgers there are insufficient words to describe them and their animal-like behaviour.

This is what happens when a community is dysfunctional, when they have no need to provide for themselves, when every need is met by the government and nothing is asked for in return. Where there is no ambition to better oneself, and when their parents are just the same and have spent a lifetime on the 'dole'.

Where it is acceptable in the community to take drugs and even little children are encouraged to smoke cannabis. When your community leaders have created a grievance mentality and foster the demands for monetary reparation and , like spoilt children, whinge and cry at how unfair life is to them.

This is what Maori have become.

This is the society that the welfare state has created.

And this is the result of a Labour government and their social engineering.


KG said...

"This is what Maori have become.

This is the society that the welfare state has created.

And this is the result of a Labour government and their social engineering."

EXACTLY! good for you, mawm.

MathewK said...

Please keep us posted on the sentencing of these scum. I'd really like to know what the courts think of them, i'm not holding my breath though.